A self-written, self-modifying self-interpreter for a subleq based OISC machine!
In one of my posts to the ICFP list a while ago I threw in a couple of questions about eigenratios. One question was:
I didn't really expect much else from the exercise. So I set to work and all went well for a while. In fact, after I'd gained some experience with "thinking in subleq" I reached a stage where I thought I was getting near to having a working self-interpreter, and it didn't seem particularly large or complex. I was even starting to think the eigenratio might eventually turn out to be quite low! Then I hit the wall. How to achieve an indirect copy with subleq? (In other words, something like "*A = **B" in "C".) It took me a while before finally realising that the only solution seemed to require self-modifying code. Ha! In fact, it turned out that I had to use the same technique several times, with self-modifying code modifying another chunk later. So in the end it wasn't nearly as straightforward as I first thought it might be! I guess OISC machines might not be the wave of the future after all...
I'm still working on building "the matrix" for this interpreter. My first attempt was a 2 x 2 matrix, with one row/column for each for the branching and non-branching variations of the "subleq" instruction. This is what I ended up with:
Anyway, I'm not sure if anybody else has attempted anything quite as silly as a "OISC" self-interpreter before so I've decided to post my (assembler) code for this interpreter here. So here, in all its "glory", is my self-written, self-modifying self-interpreter! (Possibly even a world first" for an OSIC?! :-) There are almost certainly improvements that can be made (which I leave as an exercise for the more "subleq" capable coders), but as far as I can tell it does at least work properly!
And that all turns into an "executable" containing the following values (arranged as triples for the addresses that will be interpreted as subleq instructions, and one value per line for the other data at the end):
To build a tower of this interpreter, just concatenate as many copies as you desire, and finish it off with the "top level program" code to be executed.
What does an eigenratio really tell us anyway?and Antonio Vargas replied,
That a OISC machine with only sub-and-jump-if-negative instruction is __measurably__ crappier than a real machine...Sometime after that I started thinking that it might be an interesting challenge to write a self-interpreter for a OISC machine and see how well Antonio's answer stacked up. More recently, after convincing myself that the um.um self-interpreter could be described "exactly" in matrix form (by using multiple rows/columns for some instructions), the OISC idea resurfaced, also because I thought all those potential branches (one for "subleq" instruction) could be a good test of the idea of splitting instructions into multiple rows/columns in the matrix, one for each variation.
I didn't really expect much else from the exercise. So I set to work and all went well for a while. In fact, after I'd gained some experience with "thinking in subleq" I reached a stage where I thought I was getting near to having a working self-interpreter, and it didn't seem particularly large or complex. I was even starting to think the eigenratio might eventually turn out to be quite low! Then I hit the wall. How to achieve an indirect copy with subleq? (In other words, something like "*A = **B" in "C".) It took me a while before finally realising that the only solution seemed to require self-modifying code. Ha! In fact, it turned out that I had to use the same technique several times, with self-modifying code modifying another chunk later. So in the end it wasn't nearly as straightforward as I first thought it might be! I guess OISC machines might not be the wave of the future after all...
I'm still working on building "the matrix" for this interpreter. My first attempt was a 2 x 2 matrix, with one row/column for each for the branching and non-branching variations of the "subleq" instruction. This is what I ended up with:
|28 23|This implied an eigenratio of about 39.0526, but testing the self-interpreter directly seemed to show the value should be a little higher, more like 39.0606. When checking my working more carefully I realised there were possibly other "variations" that needed to be considered if I wanted an exact result, so now I'm working on an 8 x 8 matrix to achieve that. I'll post that once I'm sure I've got the correct figures. The current version is apparently very "close" but when I use it directly to predict the exact counts of instructions executed for a "tower of self-interpreters" of some height, the results are slightly different from what I get by direct measurement in my underlying Python interpreter.
|13 12|
Anyway, I'm not sure if anybody else has attempted anything quite as silly as a "OISC" self-interpreter before so I've decided to post my (assembler) code for this interpreter here. So here, in all its "glory", is my self-written, self-modifying self-interpreter! (Possibly even a world first" for an OSIC?! :-) There are almost certainly improvements that can be made (which I leave as an exercise for the more "subleq" capable coders), but as far as I can tell it does at least work properly!
# Self interpreter for OISC ("One Instruction Set Computer") using "subleq".
# This uses "subleq" as the "one instruction" where A, B and C are memory
# addresses, and in the explanations and comments [A] means the integer value
# stored at address A. Memory is a zero based array of integers of some
# suitable "width". Signed 32 bit values are perfectly adequate.
# A single "subleq" instruction written like this
# subleq A B C
# and is stored in memory as three addresses A B and C in consecutive
# locations. The following pseudocode describes what happens when one
# instruction is executed.
# [B] = [B] - [A]
# if [B] <= 0 goto C
# Note that value of C is taken to be the value before the subtraction.
# Omitting the C operand (i.e. writing just "subleq A B") is understood to be
# shorthand for specifying C as the address of the next instruction. When the
# program starts running, the program counter is 0. It halts when a branch
# to a negative address happens.
# This self-interpreter expects the program that it should run to appear
# directly after its own code/data in memory.
# Written by Clive Gifford, 29/30 August 2006 based on the Wikipedia
# description of a OISC using the "subleq" instruction.
# [A1] = [PC]
subleq A1 A1
subleq PC ZERO
subleq ZERO A1
subleq ZERO ZERO
# Code below (after modification from above) is equivalent to [A] = [[A1]]
subleq A A
A1: data 0
data ZERO
data A2
A2: subleq ZERO A
subleq ZERO ZERO
# [A] = [A] + [LEN]
subleq LEN ZERO
subleq ZERO A
subleq ZERO ZERO
# [B1] = [PC] + 1
subleq B1 B1
subleq PC ZERO
subleq ZERO B1
subleq ZERO ZERO
subleq NEG1 B1
# Code below (after modification from above) is equivalent to [B] = [[B1]]
subleq B B
B1: data 0
data ZERO
data B2
B2: subleq ZERO B
subleq ZERO ZERO
# [B] = [B] + [LEN]
subleq LEN ZERO
subleq ZERO B
subleq ZERO ZERO
# We have to copy [C] now, just in case the emulated subtraction modifies [[PC] + 2].
# [C1] = [PC] + 2
subleq C1 C1
subleq PC ZERO
subleq ZERO C1
subleq ZERO ZERO
subleq NEG2 C1
# Code below (after modification from above) is equivalent to [C] = [[C1]]
subleq C C
C1: data 0
data ZERO
data C2
C2: subleq ZERO C
subleq ZERO ZERO
# [[B]] = [[B]] - [[A]];
# if [[B]] <= 0 goto LEQZ
# Earlier code referring to addresses A and B has modified the next
# couple of words to create the equivalent of "subleq [A] [B] LEQZ"
# This is where we're "emulating" the subtraction...
A: data 0
B: data 0
data LEQZ
# [PC] += 3
subleq NEG3 PC
# We come to address LEQZ when the emulated subleq is going to take
# the branch to the emulated address C.
# First save the "raw" value in PC
# [PC] = [C]
subleq PC PC
subleq C ZERO
subleq ZERO PC
subleq ZERO ZERO
# Check if [C] is less than zero. Halt if it is.
# We don't care about changing [C] as we've already copied the value to [PC] above.
subleq NEG1 C -1
# [PC] = [PC] + [LEN]
subleq LEN ZERO
subleq ZERO PC
NEG3: data -3
NEG2: data -2
NEG1: data -1
ZERO: data 0
C: data 0
PC: data PROG
LEN: data PROG
# Code for the program to be interpreted must start at the PROG address...
And that all turns into an "executable" containing the following values (arranged as triples for the addresses that will be interpreted as subleq instructions, and one value per line for the other data at the end):
15 15 3
134 132 6
132 15 9
132 132 12
96 96 15
0 132 18
132 96 21
132 132 24
135 132 27
132 96 30
132 132 33
51 51 36
134 132 39
132 51 42
132 132 45
131 51 48
97 97 51
0 132 54
132 97 57
132 132 60
135 132 63
132 97 66
132 132 69
87 87 72
134 132 75
132 87 78
132 132 81
130 87 84
133 133 87
0 132 90
132 133 93
132 132 96
0 0 105
129 134 102
132 132 0
134 134 108
133 132 111
132 134 114
132 132 117
131 133 -1
135 132 123
132 134 126
132 132 0
To build a tower of this interpreter, just concatenate as many copies as you desire, and finish it off with the "top level program" code to be executed.